Abdominal and Umbilical Acupuncture

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Over het boek

Gemma D’Angelo laat de lezer kennismaken met de theorie en praktijk van abdominale en navelacupunctuur en beschrijft haar klinische ervaringen. Abdominale acupunctuur is zeer interessant vanwege de effectiviteit, in het bijzonder bij de behandeling van gewrichtsaandoeningen van de wervelkolom en ledematen, maar ook bij de behandeling van neurologische aandoeningen die geassocieerd worden met compressie van de spinale zenuwwortel die ischias en radiculopathie veroorzaken. De auteur presenteert de behandelprotocollen en hun verschillende therapeutische effecten in twee secties; één waarin de protocollaire behandelingen worden opgesomd die van toepassing zijn op meer dan één aandoening en een tweede waarin de aandoeningen worden opgesomd volgens hun klinische specialisatie.

Voorwoord (Lucio Sotte)

“Gemma D’Angelo has practised abdominal acupuncture for many years. This therapeutic method is very interesting for various reasons. First of all, for its effectiveness in particular in treating joint disorders of the spine and limbs but also in treating neurological conditions associated with spinal nerve root compression that cause sciatica and radiculopathy. Secondly, abdominal acupuncture is “repeatable” and thus its therapeutic efficacy can be tested on the basis of randomized controlled trials. Another great quality is that it is practically pain-free thus it can be useful as a first therapeutic approach even with the most faint-hearted patient. Umbilical acupuncture, the second micro-system described by the author, is based on the complex relation between man and nature. This method is based on the ba gua, the diagram depicting the transformation of yin yang based on the eight trigrams. Similar to abdominal acupuncture, this method of treatment was developed recently and has the virtue of being nearly painless. In this volume, Gemma D’Angelo introduces the reader to the theory and practise of both methods describing her clinical experiences. She presents the treatment protocols and their different therapeutic effects in two sections; one that lists protocol treatments applicable to more than one condition and a second where the disorders are listed according to their clinical specialisation.”



  1. A brief introduction to abdominal acupuncture
  2. Embryonic development of the Extraordinary Meridians
  3. Extraordinary Meridians
  4. Elements of embryology useful to abdominal acupuncture
  5. Fundamental systems of regulation
  6. Energy conduction in meridians
  7. Biophotons: a component of qi
  8. The umbilical regulating system
  9. Abdominal acupoints: the turtle system
  10. Additional abdominal points
  11. The eight abdominal regions (ba gua)
  12. New considerations related to the abdominal wall
  13. Indications and contraindications of abdominal acupuncture methods
  14. Rules for clinical application
  15. Clinical protocols


  1. Notes on umbilical anatomy
  2. Physical features of the umbilicus
  3. Yi medicine
  4. The ba gua in Yi medicine
  5. Functional relations between the umbilicus and the organ systems
  6. The celestial animals
  7. Shu-shu, ancient chinese mathematics
  8. The meanings of the ba gua symbols
  9. Ba gua and mandala: a possible combination
  10. The umbilical clock
  11. The umbilicus and the lunar phases
  12. The umbilicus and the six levels
  13. The yi globe – symbol of the microcosm
  14. How to locate the area of treatment
  15. He tu, lo shu and the eight trigrams
  16. Dai mai and energy circulation in he tu and lo shu
  17. Correlations between trigrams and numbers
  18. Qi microcosmic and macrocosmic circulation
  19. Yin and yang, ba gua and modern science

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